Lucy Kaiser - Party Time
The following video will walk you through this performance installation:
Lucy Kaiser, Party Time. 2014
Materials: lollies, fairy bread, streamers, balloons, punch, party hats, presents, actors, laptops, video, soundscape
Materials: lollies, fairy bread, streamers, balloons, punch, party hats, presents, actors, laptops, video, soundscape
performance installation engenders a powerful message relating to a possible future
if we become increasingly reliant on technology. The juxtaposition of the loud,
bright, noisy entrance room and the static darkness of what was introduced to
be the real party room displays the stark difference between real life
connections and those of social media. In this artwork, people are encouraged
to interact within each of two scenarios, allowing participants to really feel
and experience the difference between face-to-face interactions and the
contrived and subscribed virtual world. Participants were enabled to understand
that a society which is purely technology based negates the notion of true human
interaction. This artwork explores the theme of ‘beyond’ by focusing on the
potential future of the world: a world made up of online interactions instead
of real world connections.